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I am a fashion icon!
Your Just Fine And Dandy.. Dandy

Flower Factory, Mayfair at Versailles, May 12, 2024

I am an award-winning 15-year black queer gothic steampunk drag-inspired dandy with accolades ranging from TRADE to The Washington Post to Marc Jacobs (himself) to hundreds of likes per outfit from maximalist pages and TikTok. Wanna see my flowers? Go here.

I am not your party clown. If you want one for your party, hire one with a solid contract, paying them a living wage. If you want this fashion icon, respect who I am.

Oh, and BTW, while I may not physically look like the thousands to millions of young yt muscle men on Instagram due to genetics, medical issues, age, and life, I am just as worthy of respect as the thousands to millions of young yt muscle men on Instagram. If you're weirded out with my showing up at a public event shirtless or whatever, that's a you problem, not my flawed but fabulous problem. Get over it and get into it.

Oh, and finally, TRADE, Crush, The Ball, and Flower Factory are all my places of love, safety, inclusion, and fierceness (including my part). Give them all their flowers.


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