2022 Dandy Outfits and Backstories
Hey, it was better than 2020 and, to an extent, 2021 to some degree..
2022 was the year that everything returned to "normal", and by that I mean an assemblage of normal that we have to,
from now on, accept as our normal, in light of the plague-riddled world we had for the past 2 years, and, to an extent, still have today, and we
may have literally for the rest of our human existence. Get Vaccinated!
Click here to see the outfit
February 2022 was my first time at Blaus, hosted by the Haus of Bambi, and danced and connected with fabulous folk in a great outfit (see above)!
Click here to see the outfit
April 2022 I finally, at long last, was able to walk the runway at Cherry, something that
I waited two years to do so, no thanks to Ms. Rona. And speaking of her, I caught COVID-19 a week before Cherry, but I thankfully tested negative days before having
to do the runway, so whew (see above)!
Click here to see the outfit
Click here to see the outfit
May 2022 I went to C.O.G.S. Expo for the first time since.. before.. and what made it especially
spectacular to me was the addition (and great surprise) of.. Tim, one of my absolute best friends of my life, who came all of the way from
Wisconsin to be with me and experience more steampunk rather than his local cons. He alone made my experience Beyond Beyond (see above)!
Click here to see the outfit
Flower Factory is what we eldergays remember the Klub Kid scene was like back in the
1990s and 2000s, when all of those in the LGBTQ+ community dressed up in the wildest and weirdest because we could. This lewk party is capturing that spirit absolutely perfectly with monstrously
good DJs, emphatic music, and Lewks! So of course I have to go. This was my look for the July Flower Factory, one of my favorite lewks I have ever done for this
amazing venue for our community (see above).
Click here to see the outfit
Click here to see the outfit
My favorite event of the year is at hand: Carnival! Held in the lovely Tip of Cape Code town of
Provincetown, MA, and the theme being Monsters, Myths, and Legends, it's the big LGBTQ+ celebration of creativity and community in an adorable setting, and, of course,
I have lewks for it because me. First outfit represented the Dandy devotee of Cthulhu/Kraken/Poseidon/the deep blue sea, and the second
outfit represented Tiurakh, the West African Serer god of wealth
(click here for more information on the Serer religion and people)
(see above).
Click here to see the outfit
Click here to see the outfit
Click here to see the outfit
And let's wrap this blog up with the event I have attended the longest of all of the beforementioned events (since 2012), and of which I have the most memories:
Teslacon. Panels, compliments, and Tim: oh my! My lewks for Hawthorne Manor were
goth-inspired, considering my long gothic past, so I was extra inspired to turn it out hard and frequently, and I think I might have done that (see above)!
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