The Symposium
What? No Wine?
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On Friday, October 21, 2022, way too early in the morning for me, I attended an online symposium (no wine, of course.. IYKYK)
entitled Dandyism in the 21st Century, hosted by Paris+ par Art Basel. This was a very informative and interesting discussion
about how dandyism plays into art and fashion in the past as well as in the present, but what got my attention the most was
Jeremy, a black queer dandy originally from Baltimore, emphasizing the importance of black queer dandyism.
Epiphany Moment
I do black queer dandyism, well, because I am Black, I am Queer (Gay to be sexually specific), and I am a Dandy (get it?).
While my dandyism has been influenced primarily by Goth, Steampunk, and Drag, it is none of those things; it is black
queer dandyism at its very core. I envisioned myself in flamboyant outfits as a child; I've always had this inclination
within me, and only now in the past several years have I found a means to provide myself an outlet to express the black
queer dandy that I knew that I could become. It is art that ultimately has its roots somewhere in West Africa and among
those who rejected heteronormativity and Eurocentric gender and sexual normality. It is black queer dandyism heavily
influenced by Goth, Steampunk, and Drag.
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